one down, one to go!

Posted by mountainmelody On 11/03/2009 07:38:00 AM
I just completed my mock viva (practice defense). Basically you go into a room, and three people sit at desks staring at you. They grill you on your topic, and anything else they might want to ask, for an hour or two.


I have to say that I'm glad that it's over. Too bad it wasn't the real one--I have to do this all again in about three months!

I felt like things went very well, though. I answered all their questions--even responded intelligently on most of them! ;)

And they didn't recommend major changes to my dissertation. That means that I should be able to proofread it one last time and submit it by Friday. Yeah!!

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!

9 Responses to 'one down, one to go!'

  1. Kathy said...'> 10:20 AM

    Yay! Glad it went well!


  2. Crystal Watford said...'> 10:36 AM

    way to go! :)


  3. Mom said...'> 1:24 PM

    WOO HOO!


  4. Carol said...'> 2:57 PM

    When you get back I will teach you the secret handshake!


  5. Cheryl said...'> 4:17 PM

    Congrats! One more hurdle crossed!!


  6. Deb said...'> 4:31 PM

    Congratulations! And you, with mono. This will make for a good story to tell your grandchildren. :)

    I hope you are now taking a long nap.


  7. countrypeapie said...'> 9:22 PM

    I second the WOO HOO!


  8. mountainmelody said...'> 12:30 AM

    Thanks, everyone! Later I received very positive written feedback as well. It included the phrase, "be jubilant." So maybe I will be! :)


  9. Deb said...'> 11:41 AM

    That is awesome. I love that comment. Indeed. Be jubilant. I might just write a symphony in your honor. Something more than chocolate is in order here.


