
Posted by mountainmelody On 11/29/2009 11:48:00 AM
Lord God, we are waiting and watching. We wait, not knowing when you will come. We watch, not knowing where you will come. But you will come, just as you have promised.

You have spoken to us in an angel's song. You have come to us as a newborn child. We see your face in those who hunger and thirst, in the frail, the lonely, the sick, those who live in fear, those who suffer, those who mourn, those behind prison walls, and those without adequate clothing and shelter on these cold nights.

As we watch and wait for you, we are filled with hope. May we be found whenever and wherever you come. Stir up your power, O Lord, and come.

1 Response to 'Advent'

  1. countrypeapie said...'> 4:41 PM

    i love that picture


