
Posted by mountainmelody On 1/27/2007 06:11:00 AM
I made it here without any real problems. (Well, the zipper on my suitcase did break--when it came off the belt, it was completely unzipped. Good thing I had a luggage strap on it.)
First impression: the snow is beautiful! And it doesn't feel too terribly cold or windy to me. We'll see how it goes over the next few days. :)

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5 Responses to 'Prague'

  1. Anonymous said...'> 9:22 AM

    Beautiful! I can't wait to see more!


  2. Anonymous said...'> 12:52 PM

    Glad you made it safely!

    Looking forward to more photos. (And feel free to take pictures of leaves. I like 'em. :)


  3. Anonymous said...'> 11:54 AM

    are you going to get a new suitcase while you're there or is the zipper fixable?
    looks beautiful!


  4. mountainmelody said...'> 1:18 PM

    I hope I can rig it up to last until I get home. We'll see.


  5. mountainmelody said...'> 12:16 PM

    Almost all of the snow has melted now. :( It has been warm enough that it has been raining. It might get colder later on.


