Posted by mountainmelody On 1/17/2007 09:30:00 PM
Leader: Who knows what Jesus did for us?

Girl: Built us houses?

Leader: Good try, but it's something else...

Girl: Oh, that's right. God built houses for us, not Jesus.

5 Responses to 'GAs'

  1. Anonymous said...'> 7:00 AM

    Never a dull moment huh? :)


  2. Anonymous said...'> 9:45 AM

    Do you think she was taking literally "In my Father's house are many mansions.... I go to prepare a place for you..." scriptures?

    Or have her thoughts been taken hostage by reading the HGTV version of the Bible? :)


  3. Rurality said...'> 11:30 AM

    These are cracking me up. I hope you'll make it a regular feature!


  4. mountainmelody said...'> 7:11 PM

    I have no idea what she was thinking! But I'll keep posting them as long as they keep saying funny things (and I remember them).


  5. Anonymous said...'> 12:29 AM

    Is this GA overly influenced by Habitat for Humanity?


