
Posted by mountainmelody On 9/09/2009 08:20:00 PM
I thought I'd share a few things people have said to me since I've been sick. If you said one of these things, don't worry! I think they're funny:

I hope it's not something REALLY awful!

You need to take Theraflu.

I thought you had leukemia.

You have mono? Is it your head or your stomach?

And, yes, the comment I've heard ad nauseum:

Ooh, who have you been kissing??

If I were talented enough to simultaneously have a job, a dissertation, AND a significant relationship, then you'd really have to be impressed. But I don't--and I don't really mind.

So now YOU don't have to ask! ;)

1 Response to 'comments'

  1. countrypeapie said...'> 9:21 PM

    i'm kinda glad i didn't say any of those things.... ;)


