it worked!

Posted by mountainmelody On 4/20/2009 07:09:00 PM
Awhile back I read about this experiment in "asking random companies for free stuff."

Recently I decided to try it out. Why pay for stuff, I figured, when you could get it for free?

So I emailed the manufacturer of a product I use to try to keep my house from getting too humid. I didn't really feel like paying for the product. So I asked them to send me a free sample.

Today I received a coupon in the mail good for one of their products--up to a $9.99 value!

I could have done the usual thing and paid $10 for this product at the store. Instead, I spent 30 seconds looking up their website and emailing them--and can now buy lots of chocolate with my extra $10! ;)

Give it a try!

2 Responses to 'it worked!'

  1. countrypeapie said...'> 8:54 PM

    Dang. I wish I could get a Roomba for free. Maybe I can!


  2. Melissa said...'> 7:56 AM

    Hm. I can think of a lot of things! Good idea, lady.


