GA hygiene

Posted by mountainmelody On 3/05/2009 06:24:00 AM
Leader: I want you to draw a picture in this house of everything you think you couldn't live without.

Girl 1 (to girl 2): What's that picture you're drawing?

Girl 2: A toilet.

Girl 1: You can live without a toilet!

Girl 2: Eeeww! No you can't!

Girl 1: Yes you can! Well, umm....if you're a dog!

2 Responses to 'GA hygiene'

  1. Rachel said...'> 8:11 AM

    I should not have taken a culp while reading that! Now I have to clean up crangrape juice that came out my nose! :)
    I love the GA posts!!


  2.'> 8:33 AM

    Ha--I'm not the only one who thinks there is something fundamentally wrong with the camping experience. No toilet= no TCE. I can go without a shower for a few days, but I like my indoor plumbing.


