fifty years from now

Posted by mountainmelody On 1/05/2008 09:51:00 PM
So I'm still spending a lot of my weekends reading old magazines for my research (exciting, I know). I thought I'd share part of a poem I found in a 1938 publication:

I wonder what we’re coming to,
Fifty years from now.
I wonder what we’ll think and do,
Fifty years from now.
I wonder how we’ll eat and dress:
Will we wear more clothes then, or less?
We’ll do some funny things, I guess,
Fifty years from now.

Our homes will be on wings and wheels,
Fifty years from now.
We’ll ask the wireless for our meals,
Fifty years from now.
We’ll never sleep and never tire,
We’ll eat by proxy, think by wire,
And all keep warm without a fire,
Fifty years from now.

Improved machines will wash the dishes,
Fifty years from now.
They’ll do the job just as one wishes,
Fifty years from now.
They’ll wash and scald and dry them, too,
And put them up like people do,
Then sweep the kitchen ere they’re through,
Fifty years from now.

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