
Posted by mountainmelody On 7/13/2005 10:35:00 PM
People who have no concept of time drive me crazy (especially when I have to drive home and get up for work the next morning).

When the same people treat me like I'm 15, it makes me want to scream. (No, I don't need to call you when I get home, thanks.)

I'm happy for friends, neighbors, and (some) family members to check on me and help me out, probably because I know they understand that I'm a capable, independent adult. But when random people act like I'm helpless, it makes me wonder what decade they're living in. (The "needing a male escort on the metro to the airport" incident of a few years back comes to mind.)

You don't need to treat me any differently because I'm young and single. Just treat me like you would any other responsible adult, please.

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