nerdy ramblings about culture

Posted by mountainmelody On 1/28/2011 09:05:00 PM
I am fascinated by different cultures. Today I heard a good presentation that reminded me about high context and low context cultures. Some scholars argue that the American South is an example of a traditionally high context culture in the midst of a low context nation.

A related topic is direct versus indirect communication. I definitely think that in the South, women especially are socialized to communicate more indirectly. Even today, if I want someone else to do something, I always phrase it as a question instead of a command: "Could you please make a copy for me?" And I find it difficult to strongly criticize someone I'm talking to. Instead, I would say mostly nice things and slip a kindly worded suggestion in the middle. But if they were from my context, they would understand.

I think this type of background makes direct communication seem more jarring, especially when it comes from someone with whom you do not have a strong relationship. Understanding the cultural differences is essential.

What do you all think about this--especially those of you from the South?

1 Response to 'nerdy ramblings about culture'

  1. Elicia said...'> 10:48 PM

    I definitely agree. I approach criticism the same way. So when people offer blunt correction or criticism I feel attacked. It's not that I don't welcome honest and graceful observations, it just seems to me like those with a direct approach are not trying to better my personality but tear it apart.


