Posted by mountainmelody On 8/06/2009 09:30:00 PM
I've been lazy with my blog--and even Facebook and Twitter--lately, probably because of the small trip I just returned from. But tonight I'm inspired to post after attending my first meeting of the Blount County Bloggers group. (Thanks, everyone!)

I'd like to tell you about an interesting experience I had in the Netherlands. We were settling in for our first meeting of the week when suddenly a couple came down the aisle to the front of the meeting room. They were dressed rather plainly, but looked normal enough.

But then the man started waving a Bible and talking loudly about hellfire and things like that. He kept on going, even when the meeting organizers tried to get him to leave. It was quite a sight!

Honestly, I thought this was all a show--some kind of skit or something to reinforce that although this was a Christian meeting, we didn't need to be Bible thumpers like this.

But it turns out it was real!

Apparently this couple had come all the way from Germany to protest our meetings. They were from some kind of fundamentalist sect. I'm not sure what was so controversial, but I guess they thought the group was too liberal or something. It turns out that they had disrupted several similar meetings earlier in the week.

I saw them only this one time, but it was quite an experience! I just wish I had realized it was real. I might have listened more closely--or maybe snuck out my camera! :)

3 Responses to ' '

  1. Cheryl said...'> 7:38 PM

    Gee. Glad they were armed with a Bible and not a gun or something. Welcome home.


  2. countrypeapie said...'> 10:54 AM

    How bizarre!

    I can't bring myself to Twitter yet. I'm sure it's only a matter of time....

    I really enjoyed meeting you and hope we can all get together again soon!


  3. Rurality said...'> 9:02 PM

    How strange. Who knew you were so controversial? :)


