Posted by mountainmelody On 5/04/2007 02:46:00 PM

2 Responses to ' '

  1. Crystal Watford said...'> 9:28 PM

    I don't know. I felt pretty great being mean to my bratty kids today. We both need to get out of school before we hate each other! :)


  2. Rurality said...'> 7:00 AM

    Ha! I was just wishing that I had my camera with me yesterday to take a pic of that sign. :) It looked like they were getting ready for decoration day when we drove home from H.H. last night.

    If you do come by H.H. come say hi! (I don't think you'll have to worry about traffic. There haven't been many people.) We are in the back of the show - the tables in the booth have blue tablecloths with white lace covers.


