no thanks

Posted by mountainmelody On 11/17/2006 06:17:00 PM
If I were home sick, lying in bed feeling miserable, would I want anyone to come visit me?

Not unless they were a doctor or nurse. (And maybe not even then.)

So why, when people are horribly sick--feeling awful and looking worse--does everyone and their mother come visit them in the hospital?

It's beyond me. If I'm ever in the hospital, you can tell Cousin Fred and Sweet Miss Margaret to just send me a card.

2 Responses to 'no thanks'

  1. Anonymous said...'> 9:15 AM

    I absolutely agree! If I'm ever in the hospital, I'll keep it a secret until I get out (if I can). It's stressful on the family, too, to have to play host to all the visitors. When my dad had open heart surgery, everyone was there and they stressed us out terribly so when he had back surgery, we didn't tell anyone until it was over. :) It was so nice just me and mom waiting for him. All that to say: I agree! :)


  2. Unknown said...'> 10:40 AM

    Totally agree!


