Posted by mountainmelody On 11/07/2006 09:30:00 PM
Attention retirees, stay at home moms, students, and all others with flexible schedules:

The polls are open all day. Your vote will count just as much at 1 PM as at 7 AM. There is no need to rush to polling places first thing in the morning, when most of us are trying to get to work.

Sigh...If only the world would listen to me! ;)

1 Response to ' '

  1. Anonymous said...'> 8:55 AM

    Ditto on this for after three o'clock dentist appointments! Most people can just take off work for an hour, come back, and finish up. I have to hire and prepare for a sub! The next time for an after three appointment was January! Thank goodness for the Wednesday I have off school before Thanksgiving. :)


