
Posted by mountainmelody On 6/20/2010 07:14:00 PM
Curious readers may be interested to know that I have three wells in my yard. I thought there might be four, but I can't seem to locate the fourth one right now. Informed readers are free to fill me in.

None of the wells are in use now, since several years ago the mountain went on "city water" (woo hoo!). Apparently the wells had a tendency to dry up. One neighbor still keeps dishpans in her sinks to capture extra water.

Here's the first well, all covered up (and prominently placed not far from my door):

Here's what it looks like on the inside...complicated:

Here's the second well, or what's left of it. Again, a beauty:

The third well is in the yard between my house and my neighbor's house. It's so covered up with weeds in the summer that it's hard to see, but maybe you can get a glimpse of it:

I have to say that I'm grateful for faucets that pour out water on demand!

1 Response to 'wells'

  1. Rachel said...
    https://mountainmelody.blogspot.com/2010/06/wells.html?showComment=1277322373389#c2043137977359998651'> 2:46 PM

    True story... Papa hired a "well wizard," not sure of their true title, to find where to dig a well at our old lodge, before Sawgrass. I was really young but remember this old man walked around for a while then picked up a stick that was shaped like a wish bone. He held the two legs with the point toward the sky walked around and around where we planned to build the cabin and eventually the sticks point gradually turned down to the ground where we dug and hit water on the first try! So cool! :)


