random fact of the day

Posted by mountainmelody On 3/22/2009 08:49:00 PM
Did you know that pineapples are traditional symbols of hospitality? People in places like Charleston and Savannah would put pineapples on their fence posts if they wanted guests to visit. If they wanted some time to themselves, they took the pineapples down.

I'm learning all sorts of useless information on this trip! :)

2 Responses to 'random fact of the day'

  1. Melissa said...
    https://mountainmelody.blogspot.com/2009/03/random-fact-of-day.html?showComment=1237811100000#c367111069785927363'> 7:25 AM

    Yep. People still have earthen or stone-carved pineapples atop their gate posts or near their front doors. So why pineapples, specifically? That's my question.


  2. Latane Barton said...
    https://mountainmelody.blogspot.com/2009/03/random-fact-of-day.html?showComment=1237815840000#c4797842294764521034'> 8:44 AM

    Yes, I did know that pineapples are a symbol of hospitality. Here in Va. especially Williamsburg you see a lot of the pineapples, wooden, metal, ceramic, to welcome you to homes everywhere. My question is.... how did the colonial people get fresh pineapples? The fruit was displayed especially at Christmas time. Did they not know that pineapples are wonderful to eat.


