the choir

Posted by mountainmelody On 9/28/2007 11:00:00 PM
I've been meaning to mention an experience I had in DC. At the conference, they mentioned that anyone who was interested could join a choir to sing at the banquet.

Along with a handful of other women, I showed up at the choir rehearsal, which took place right before the banquet. That's when I learned that we'd be singing three songs--two of which I had never heard of.

And from the music I heard, it sure didn't sound like the other women had, either.

Instead of dragging this story out, let me just mention three small things I learned from the experience:
  1. 45 minutes is not really long enough for a group of strangers to learn three new full-length songs together.
  2. It's not a good idea to perform a song in a concert when you didn't quite get to the second half of it in rehearsal.
  3. While "letting the Spirit lead" sounds very spiritual, let's just say you may be led places that the music's composer never imagined.

1 Response to 'the choir'

  1. Crystal Watford said...'> 7:51 AM

    Love number 3! that's funny! :)


