I'm back (although my bag wanted to see the sights in Germany)

Posted by mountainmelody On 2/08/2007 05:58:00 PM
You know you've flown too much when you start to remember the meals:

Flight attendant: Chicken or pasta?

Me: Is it the pasta with the nasty green stuff in it?

Flight attendant: Yes.

Me: Chicken.

1 Response to 'I'm back (although my bag wanted to see the sights in Germany)'

  1. Crystal Watford said...
    https://mountainmelody.blogspot.com/2007/02/im-back-although-my-bag-wanted-to-see.html?showComment=1171059420000#c117105947861857698'> 4:17 PM

    Glad you're home! :)

    We should get together sometime and actually chat. We never get to do that at church. Hope you had a great time!


