take a guess

Posted by mountainmelody On 1/04/2007 08:02:00 PM
___% of Alabama's students graduate from high school.

One in ___ Americans anticipates the second coming of Jesus Christ in 2007.

(No fair cheating if you've already read these facts somewhere!)

6 Responses to 'take a guess'

  1. Anonymous said...
    https://mountainmelody.blogspot.com/2007/01/take-guess.html?showComment=1168001940000#c116800198874407861'> 6:59 AM


    and 2%

    I'm probably soooo wrong! :)


  2. Anonymous said...
    https://mountainmelody.blogspot.com/2007/01/take-guess.html?showComment=1168008720000#c116800876005527515'> 8:52 AM

    Since I have no idea where you get these odd facts anyway...

    My guesses: 74% graduate and 1% anticipate (Although after reading the Tide forums lately, some U of A fans seem to think that Saban's coming to coach roughly approximates that kind of frenzied religious anticipation! :) Sheesh!!


  3. Anonymous said...
    https://mountainmelody.blogspot.com/2007/01/take-guess.html?showComment=1168036320000#c116803636220543218'> 4:32 PM

    I also don't know but I'm going to go with:

    One in 25

    when do we get to find out?


  4. mountainmelody said...
    https://mountainmelody.blogspot.com/2007/01/take-guess.html?showComment=1168044960000#c116804500141411369'> 6:56 PM

    Anyone else want to guess? (I know you're out there!)


  5. Anonymous said...
    https://mountainmelody.blogspot.com/2007/01/take-guess.html?showComment=1168046580000#c116804663938118983'> 7:23 PM

    Does the closest person win a prize? haha! :)


  6. mountainmelody said...
    https://mountainmelody.blogspot.com/2007/01/take-guess.html?showComment=1168096620000#c116809663275213108'> 9:17 AM

    60.7% of Alabama's students graduate from high school.

    One in four Americans anticipates the second coming of Jesus Christ in 2007.

    Don't believe me? Google it.


