
Posted by mountainmelody On 6/04/2006 09:19:00 PM
More than half of all US college students move back home after college.

2 Responses to 'yikes'

  1. mountainmelody said...
    https://mountainmelody.blogspot.com/2006/06/yikes.html?showComment=1149474420000#c114947442292539453'> 9:27 PM

    Two related facts:

    One-third of twentysomethings make $20,000 or less each year.

    Thirty-two percent of twenty-something families have no health insurance.

    Apparently I like statistics (and demographics). Who knew?


  2. Anonymous said...
    https://mountainmelody.blogspot.com/2006/06/yikes.html?showComment=1149542460000#c114954246499479010'> 4:21 PM

    I learned that Italians drink approx. 26 gallons of wine a year! :)


